Chewing gum may reduce inflammation and soothe your esophagus. This is because chewing gum causes your saliva to become more alkaline, which can help neutralize stomach acid.
Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid backs up into the tube that connects your throat to your stomach. This tube is called the esophagus.
When this happens, that all-too-familiar burning sensation, regurgitated food, or a sour taste may result.
The positive effect of gum on acid reflex can vary depending on the type of gum you’re chewing.
There isn’t a lot of research to connect chewing gum with lower acid reflux. One older 2005 study found that chewing sugar-free gum for half an hour after eating may reduce symptoms of acid reflux.
These findings aren’t universally accepted, though. Opinions are mixed about peppermint gum in particular. It’s thought that minty gums, such as peppermint, may have the opposite effect on acid reflux symptoms.
In theory, there are ways in which chewing gum might help reduce acid reflux. For example, chewing gum
Chewing gum might encourage you to swallow more often, which also helps reduce the acid.
If you are living with acid reflux or GERD and plan to add chewing gum to your daily routine, there are a few factors you can consider.
First, try to choose a sugar-free gum. That’s because added sugar
Another trigger for acid reflux is peppermint because it can relax the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). For this reason, it’s a good idea to avoid minty gum.
Lastly, if you choose bicarbonate gum, you can increase the effectiveness of your saliva in neutralizing stomach acid in your mouth.
A number of meaningful health benefits are associated with chewing gum. For example, it has been linked to increased mental performance. Chewing gum is said to improve concentration, memory, and
It’s thought that chewing boosts blood flow to the brain. In turn, this increases the amount of oxygen available to the brain. This may enhance the ability to think.
Other benefits of chewing gum may include
Just be aware that chewing sugary gum can be detrimental to oral hygiene. It can damage your tooth enamel and increase your chance of cavities. This is another reason to select a sugar-free gum.
Learn more: Chewing gum: Good or bad?
Many people find that simply avoiding the foods that trigger their acid reflux is enough to eliminate the problem. Others benefit from elevating their head during sleep.
If you smoke, your doctor may recommend you try to quit. Smoking
Medications (either over-the-counter or prescription) that you might try include antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).
If your acid reflux doesn’t respond to treatment, your doctor may recommend surgery. This is generally a last resort.
Learn more: 14 ways to prevent heartburn and acid reflux (GERD) and foods to help your acid reflux.
Does chewing gum help heartburn in pregnancy?
Heartburn is the burning feeling you get in your chest and throat when you get acid reflux. Just like chewing gum might provide some relief from acid reflux caused by GERD, it may help with pregnancy-related heartburn. That said, the research evidence behind the effectiveness of chewing gum to reduce acid reflux is limited.
What is the fastest way to neutralize stomach acid?
The simplest way is to take Tums, which contains calcium carbonate and can neutralize stomach acid. In addition, bicarbonate, which exists in your saliva and in bicarbonate gum, can help quickly dissolve stomach acid.
If you want to neutralize stomach acid before it even becomes reflux, like in cases of abdominal gas or indigestion, you can try baking soda, which is sodium bicarbonate.
If you’re over the age of 60, don’t consume more than three 1/2 teaspoons (tsp) of baking soda within a 24-hour period. If you’re an adult under 60, don’t take more than seven 1/2 tsp in the same time period.
Acid reflux can disrupt daily life. If left untreated, it can cause lasting damage to your esophagus. Chewing sugar-free gum may help reduce inflammation and irritation.
If your symptoms persist, you should speak with your doctor. They can help create the best treatment plan for you.
Learn more: Home remedies for acid reflux/GERD.