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At first thought, the idea of glass baby bottles for your little one may seem crazy. Too dangerous, right?

Turns out, not necessarily. The old-school bottles you may be picturing have come a long way over the years and there are various reasons why you may want to opt for glass over plastic.

We chose these glass bottles based on affordability, product information from the manufacturers, and reviews from consumers who had positive experiences. We also kept both formula and breastfed babies in mind when researching and selecting these bottles.

Note that many of the bottles we feature in this list come in multi-packs, so the pricing guide is based on the price per bottle.

Pricing guide

  • $ = under $10 per bottle
  • $$ = $10–$12 per bottle
  • $$$ = over $12 per bottle

Best glass bottle for newborns

Dr. Brown’s Options + Wide-Neck Baby Bottle

  • Price: $
  • Size: 5 ounces (oz.)
  • Pros: wide neck makes for easy filling; anti-colic vent system grows with baby; good for newborns
  • Cons: not recommended beyond 12 months of age; doesn’t fit common breast pump brands, per reviewers

This 5-oz. bottle is a great option for newborns, as it’s contoured for a proper latch and offers an anti-colic vent system that grows with your baby, creating a paced flow as your baby develops their feeding technique. The manufacturer says these features can help reduce spitting up, burping, and gas, while aiding in digestion.

One reviewer notes that the wide neck makes it easy to pour formula inside.

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Best glass bottle for the budget

Evenflo Feeding Classic Glass Twist Bottles

  • Price: $
  • Size: 8 oz.
  • Pros: may help reduce colic; fits most standard breast pumps; easy to clean
  • Cons: reviewers note that this bottle heats much faster than plastic and can be hard to read when filled

Six of these 8-oz. glass bottles retail for under $20, so this value pack is definitely a steal. They’re also easy to hold and to clean, and they’re made to fit most standard breast pumps so you can pump directly into them.

They also offer premium venting technology that the manufacturer suggests keeps bubbles inside the bottle rather than in your baby’s tummy, helping to prevent reflux, gas, and fussiness.

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Best grip on a glass bottle

Joovy Boob Diamond

  • Price: $$$
  • Size: 8 oz.
  • Pros: temperature shock resistant; fits a variety of nipple options; designed to prevent air bubbles from showing
  • Cons: reviewers note that the pack of three comes with only one bottle sleeve; bottles may leak if the ring isn’t screwed firmly enough

One aspect that can make glass bottles less safe than plastic is that they’re more likely to break, and a weak grip can only add to that possibility.

This bottle comes with a silicone sleeve to prevent slippage and make you feel more confident in handling the bottle with a wiggly baby. You can also leave the sleeve on when heating the bottle in a warmer, which adds to its convenience.

Best glass bottle for colic

Philips Avent Glass Natural Response Bottle

  • Price: $
  • Size: 4 oz.
  • Pros: wide nipple makes it easy to combine with breastfeeding; offers advanced anti-colic system
  • Cons: holds less milk compared with other bottles at the same price point; not portable; not compatible with natural nipples

This glass bottle is made with venting technology meant to reduce colic and stomach discomfort by making airflow away from your baby’s belly. It also features a wide breast-shaped nipple to promote a natural latch if you’re combining breast- and bottle-feeding.

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Most durable glass bottle

Lifefactory Glass Baby Bottle

  • Price: $$$
  • Size: 4 oz.
  • Pros: thermal shock resistant; silicone sleeves make for easier grip; silicone sleeve helps prevents breakage
  • Cons: holds less milk than other bottles at lower price points; won’t fit wide-neck nipples

This bottle is made with super-strong borosilicate glass that can withstand heat and thermal shock, making it a convenient and reliable option to use straight from the freezer. It’s also equipped with a nonslip silicone sleeve to provide a better grip, which can be left on in the dishwasher. Lastly, this bottle is compatible with most breast pumps.

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Best glass bottle for breastfed babies

Lansinoh Breastfeeding Bottle with Natural Wave Nipple

  • Price: $
  • Size: 8 oz.
  • Pros: wavy nipples help reduce nipple confusion; air ventilation system may help reduce stomach discomfort and colic
  • Cons: only comes with medium flow nipples; slow flow should be purchased separately

These premium glass bottles are equipped with wavy nipples that are designed to reduce nipple confusion and help babies switch back and forth between the breast and bottle. They may encourage babies to use the same natural sucking action used when nursing to help maintain similar breastfeeding patterns.

The bottles’ air ventilation system is also designed to minimize stomach discomfort and colic.

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Best eco-friendly glass bottle

HEVEA Baby Glass Bottle

  • Price: $$$
  • Size: 8 oz.
  • Pros: made from more durable environmentally friendly glass; durable against forceful breakage
  • Cons: only comes with two bottles per pack, compared with other packages at same price point; reviewers say they don’t fit most sleeves

Glass bottles are generally more environmentally friendly than plastic, but this bottle takes it a step further. It’s made from durable borosilicate glass with a plant-based natural rubber nipple that is free of phthalates, BPA, PVC, and plastic material.

Reviewers note that their breastfed babies took to these easily and that these bottles stood up to being forcefully dropped without breaking.

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Best budget bottle

NUK Simply Natural Glass Baby Bottles

  • Price: $
  • Size: 4 oz. and 8 oz.
  • Pros: two sizing options; extra-soft nipple provides natural feel; anti-colic system helps reduce gas and spit-up
  • Cons: one reviewer notes this bottle may be too heavy for some babies

These glass bottles offer many of the same features as other pricier models. They’re equipped with nipples designed to mimic breastfeeding, with a scooped cavity to aid in the natural movement of your baby’s mouth, tongue, and jaw.

The nipples also have multiple holes to use if your baby does better with a medium or slow flow. Finally, these BPA-free bottles are made of 80% glass and 20% silicone and are equipped with an anti-colic system to minimize gas and spit-up.

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When shopping for glass baby bottles, you’ll quickly find that you have an abundance of choices. You can find cheaper, no-frills bottles, bottle options for colicky babies, and even some brands that have interchangeable nipples, meaning you can also use them for plastic bottles if you choose to use them.

To narrow down your selection, consider your baby’s needs, such as if they’re a newborn, if they’re also being breastfed, and more.

Glass bottles are built to last, making them a worthwhile investment for your child’s earliest years. They can be easier to clean and sterilize than plastic ones, as they won’t eventually fog over or develop a film that’s hard to scrub off, as plastic often does.

They can also be heated in a bottle warmer straight from the fridge and boiled to sanitize, and they won’t eventually develop a lingering funky smell after a while or if you don’t wash them right away, which is definitely a plus.

It’s true that unlike plastic bottles, glass bottles can break if dropped or thrown on the floor. However, most of today’s glass bottles are made of sturdier glass that can handle rapid changes in temperature when warmed up and won’t break when thrown from a stroller.

Not only that, but the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests “using alternatives to plastic, such as glass or stainless steel, when possible.”

How often should glass baby bottles be replaced?

While glass bottle tend to last longer than plastic, many bottle manufacturers, parents, and caregivers recommend replacing them every 4 to 6 months.

Do glass baby bottles reduce colic?

There is no evidence that suggests glass bottles help keep air out of your baby’s stomach better than bottles of other material. A venting system, which is available with many types of bottles, may help reduce air swallowing. It may also help with colic, if that’s an issue contributing to their symptoms.

How do you clean glass baby bottles?

Glass bottles are dishwasher-safe, and going that route tends to be most efficient when it comes to thoroughly cleaning them. If hand-washing, though, make sure to use hot, soapy water and rinse them well.

How do you sterilize glass bottles?

You can sterilize glass bottles and nipples by placing them in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Yes, glass bottles cost a bit more than plastic, but as a healthier option for you and the environment, they can be a worthwhile investment.

Consider saving yourself the chore of keeping plastic looking and feeling clean by choosing bottles that will stand and shine strong for years to come.