There’s no evidence that male enhancement pills can increase penis size, but for people experiencing erectile dysfunction, there are treatment options available.

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If you’re seeking ways to increase your penis size or libido, you might be interested in taking male enhancement pills. But while these products often advertise penis enlargement and enhanced performance, there’s limited research supporting these claims.

The male enhancement pills available on the market today are often labeled as dietary supplements. They claim to increase blood flow to the penis to increase the duration of an erection, along with boosting overall arousal, stamina, and performance.

Many male enhancement pills use a combination of natural ingredients, which can include: ashwagandha, maca root, Yohimbe extract, and black ginger extract.

Popular belief claims the effectiveness of these ingredients individually. For example, a 2016 study found that black ginger extract increased physical fitness performance and muscular endurance, though it was performed on mice. So, there isn’t a ton of research that supports how effective they really are.

“I always caution patients about these medications, as many of them haven’t been studied in a controlled manner.”

~E. Charles Osterberg, MD, FACS | Board Certified Urologist

If you’re interested in trying male enhancement pills because you’re experiencing difficulties having or maintaining an erection during sex, you might want to consider talking with your primary care doctor or a urologist to determine whether erectile dysfunction (ED) could be the reason.

These medications are proven to be effective in the treatment of ED. In an older but widely cited 2002 study on the effectiveness of sildenafil (the active ingredient in Viagra), 95% of participants reported it improved their ability to engage in sexual activity.

Should I take male enhancement pills?

Since there’s a large risk involved when taking male enhancement pills, we do not recommend adding any new supplements to your diet without consulting a doctor or primary care practitioner first. There are safer alternatives to male enhancement pills, like doctor-prescribed ED medications and wearable devices.

While ED is most common among older men, a 2017 study suggests that as many as 30% of men seeking treatment for newly diagnosed ED are under 40 years old.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) released a warning about nearly 50 male enhancement and weight loss products (which are not FDA approved) available to purchase through online marketplaces that contain hidden ingredients. Of those products, 80% contained undeclared active pharmaceutical ingredients.

The FDA also maintains an updated list of tainted sexual enhancement products on its website.

The risks of taking male enhancement pills are high. Many male enhancement pills aren’t transparent about their ingredients. Taking pills with unknown ingredients could result in serious side effects, especially if they interact with other medications or supplements you’re taking.

Before trying any new supplements or herbal medicines, you should speak with a doctor to determine what ingredients are in them and how they could potentially affect you — especially if you’re taking other medications.

Regardless of your age, if you’re experiencing symptoms of ED, discuss your options with your doctor and investigate what might be causing this recent change.

If you’re also considering adding herbal supplements or male enhancement pills to your daily routine, it’s a good idea to talk with your doctor first, as they will have a better understanding of their effectiveness and how they stack up against other treatments.

Male enhancement pills, such as those that claim to improve sexual performance or increase penis size, have not been shown to be successful in research.

What’s more, many of these medications are not regulated by the FDA, and they may contain a dangerous combination of ingredients.

While many over-the-counter enhancement pills can make bold claims about making you last longer or giving you a harder erection, the truth is that there isn’t enough substantial evidence to back up these claims.

In addition, many of these over-the-counter pills face less intense scrutiny by the FDA, which means that the ingredients and their amounts listed on the label may not be accurate and could contain hidden ingredients.

If your erections are not as strong as they used to be or it takes you longer to become erect, it may be worth meeting with your doctor to discuss what you have been experiencing. It may be possible that you’re experiencing changes in how blood flow to your penis, which would result in a less strong erection.

Prescription medications go through rigorous testing and approvals before they’re first available to people at a pharmacy. However, the same is not true for dietary supplements. Male enhancement pills fall into this category as well.

In fact, the FDA doesn’t review dietary supplement products or determine their effectiveness before they’re available on the market.

The FDA can, however, take dietary supplements off the market if they are found to be unsafe. It can also force a stop on product sales if any marketing claims are found to be false or misleading.

That leaves the responsibility of producing safe, reliable supplements to the manufacturers and distributors. The FDA stands behind no claims made by these supplement companies.

No, many online pharmacies and stores often market counterfeit pills. These pills are unsafe, unregulated, and untested.

For example, a 2017 report says that many of these fake pills may have inaccurate amounts of the active ingredients. This can be dangerous without the proper warnings, and it may cause unintended side effects.

If you’re looking to take medication to improve sexual performance, speak with a doctor or other healthcare professional about legal, prescription options.

There’s no evidence to prove that male enhancement pills work to increase penis size or improve performance. Many pills can be harmful since some brands are not fully transparent about their ingredients.

If you’re experiencing issues with achieving or maintaining an erection, you may have ED and should speak with a medical professional to determine treatment options. There are several ED medications available, and they all require a prescription.

It’s always a good idea to speak with a primary care physician, a urologist, or other healthcare professional before trying new medications or if you feel like you may be experiencing ED. ED can be an indication of an underlying medical condition.