There’s no cure for inverse psoriasis, but the condition can be managed with a number of treatments, including natural remedies.

Inverse psoriasis is a type of psoriasis that commonly appears as a shiny rash in skin folds, such as the armpits, the genitals, and underneath the breasts. Inverse psoriasis doesn’t have scales because of the moist environment where it appears.

The appearance of the rash in the skin folds can vary based on different skin types:

  • On light or fair skin tones, the rash tends to be pink or red and may have scales that are silvery white.
  • On medium skin tones, inverse psoriasis appears as a salmon-colored rash with a scale that is silvery white.
  • On Black skin tones, the rash may be violet with a gray scale. There can also be dark brown rashes that may be difficult to see.

People with inverse psoriasis may experience discomfort because the rash appears in sensitive, tender areas.

If you have inverse psoriasis, you may also have another type of psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis is the most common type of psoriasis.

Other types of psoriasis include:

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that attacks healthy skin cells. Some people believe genetics plays a role in getting psoriasis. Environmental and other triggers can cause psoriasis to flare up. Some triggers include:

  • illnesses
  • stress
  • skin injuries
  • smoking
  • certain medications

Obesity, sweat, and friction of the skin can make inverse psoriasis outbreaks worse.

It’s not unusual to receive a psoriasis diagnosis when seeing a doctor for a rash or lesion that won’t clear on its own. You and your doctor can discuss options for this lifelong condition and determine the best course of management for your psoriasis.

Psoriasis is an incurable condition, but you can manage it in many different ways.

Your first step may be avoiding triggers that worsen your symptoms. You should also consider seeking treatment options. These include topical products, light therapy, and medications. Your doctor can help determine the best treatment plan for you.

Many prescription treatments are available for treating the symptoms of inverse psoriasis. Some first-line treatments are:

  • topical steroids
  • coal tar
  • vitamin D, or calcipotriene (Sorilux, Calcitrene, Dovonex)
  • anthralin

Skin folds also provide ideal conditions for yeast and other infections. If this occurs, your doctor will need to examine you to determine the proper treatment. Fungal infections may require additional medications.

For persistent and more severe inverse psoriasis, your doctor may also prescribe light therapy or other medications.

You may want to consider natural treatments to complement prescribed medications or to reduce the chance of a psoriasis flare-up. There are many natural options you can try that can help your psoriasis symptoms. Scientists haven’t proven that all of these treatments work.

It’s important to speak with your doctor before trying any new treatments, including natural treatments. They may react with medications or other treatments you’re using.

1. Healthy lifestyle habits

One way to manage psoriasis is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Obesity and a poor diet can worsen the condition. A 2014 study in the British Journal of Dermatology found that losing weight could help improve psoriasis. Losing weight can also make psoriasis treatments more effective.

Simple ways to be healthier include:

  • incorporating whole foods into your diet, such as fruits and vegetables
  • eating lean meats and other healthy proteins
  • reducing your intake of sugar and other processed foods
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You can also exercise to lose or maintain a moderate weight.

2. Herbal therapies

Some people believe that certain herbal therapies can treat psoriasis. Mahonia aquifolium, also known as Oregon grape, is an antimicrobial herb. A 10% concentration of the plant applied as a cream may help mild to moderate psoriasis.

Aloe vera may also help reduce scaling and redness due to psoriasis.

There are other herbal therapies that may work. You can try apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil to treat scalp psoriasis. In addition, ingesting 1.5 to 3 grams of turmeric per day may reduce psoriasis symptoms.

3. Nutritional supplements

Evidence suggests that nutritional supplements can help psoriasis symptoms. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) doesn’t regulate nutritional supplements.

Brands of supplements can vary widely. If you experience any side effects from using nutritional supplements, stop using them.

The following supplements may help treat psoriasis symptoms:

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking fish oil, especially if you take blood thinners. Fish oil can thin the blood.

Vitamin D is in many foods, such as salmon, vitamin-D-fortified drinks like milk and orange juice, and eggs. You can also get vitamin D from sunlight, though you should only get exposure to sunlight for 10 minutes at a time.

4. Mind-body interventions

Stress is a recognized trigger for psoriasis and other autoimmune conditions. There are several methods you can use to incorporate mind-body practices into your daily life:

  • Practice aromatherapy. Use certain oils, such as chamomile, rose, and lavender, in a diffuser or a bath to reduce stress.
  • Meditate by yourself or in a group setting for just a few minutes per day or longer.
  • Practice mindfulness to reduce stress and increase your tolerance for physical and emotional pain caused by psoriasis.

5. Bathing treatments

Bathing in natural springs and being exposed to sunshine can alleviate psoriasis symptoms. This is known as balneotherapy or balneophototherapy. The Dead Sea in Jordan and Israel and the Kangal Hot Springs in Turkey are two popular locations for balneotherapy.

Inverse psoriasis is incurable, but can be managed through a variety of treatments. It’s important to speak with your doctor before beginning any treatment. Discontinue any treatment that causes irritation, pain, or an allergic reaction.