A rash around the eyes can develop from an irritant, like an allergen, or a skin condition, like eczema. Treatment depends on the cause but typically includes home remedies, such as cold compresses or eye-safe moisturizers.
Dry or scaly skin near the eye may indicate eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema. Factors that can contribute to eczema include family history, the environment, allergies, and foreign substances, such as makeup or moisturizers.
Some forms of eczema are long-term, while others go away with treatment. Treatments typically include home remedies and prescription drugs. Speak with a doctor if you have severe eczema near your eye.
Learn about the types of eczema, what can cause the condition, how you can treat it, and more.
The most common types of eczema include:
- Atopic dermatitis: This type of long-lasting eczema can affect people of all ages. Around 1 in 10 people in the United States have it. It’s
more common in non-Hispanic Black children. A combination of genetic predisposition, the immune system, and the environment causes atopic dermatitis. - Contact dermatitis: This can happen when outside agents, such as cosmetics, irritate the skin. Anyone can be affected.
- Seborrheic dermatitis: This is a chronic skin condition not caused by an allergy or poor hygiene. It may stem from other health conditions, yeast on the skin, stress, or the environment.
All of these forms of eczema can affect the eye area. This can be particularly bothersome because the skin around the eye is thin and sensitive.
Your eyes are a sensitive and vulnerable part of your body. The skin surrounding them is thin. It has a barrier to block allergens or foreign substances from entering, but in some people, this may be impaired.
An impaired barrier can lead to sensitivity that causes the eye area to become inflamed, even when other parts of the body are unaffected.
Some symptoms of eczema around the eyes include:
- itchy, dry skin
- swollen skin, which may appear red on light skin tones and dark brown, purple, or gray on dark skin tones
- thickened skin
- irritated eyes that may burn and sting
- raised bumps
- blisters
Atopic dermatitis can cause scaly patches and an extra fold of skin under the eyes. Contact dermatitis can cause irritation and discoloration, like redness. Seborrheic dermatitis may result in scales that can flake off.
Use caution with treatments around the eye. The eye is a sensitive area of the body. Your eyesight might be at risk if inappropriate treatment methods are used.
In all cases of eczema, calming the affected area and eliminating itching is key to treatment.
For atopic dermatitis, treatment begins with calming the flare-up and then determining a course of action to prevent future ones. Treating contact dermatitis involves eliminating exposure to the irritating substance. For seborrheic dermatitis, treatment typically involves prescription medication or over-the-counter (OTC) options.
? MORE: 10 Best Lotions for Eczema
Home remedies
Many home remedies and OTC medications can help alleviate eczema symptoms. It’s important to speak with a doctor before proceeding. You may need to use multiple treatment methods to manage your eczema.
You may want to start with home-based treatments for your eczema.
Home remedies
- Apply a cold compress to the inflamed area to reduce itching, swelling, and skin discoloration.
- Apply a petroleum jelly product, such as Vaseline or Aquaphor. Ask a doctor or pharmacist which one works best for your case.
- Use a thick, unscented moisturizer or cream on the affected area. Check to make sure it’s safe for the eye area.
- Control your environment by using a humidifier in dry areas and avoiding extreme hot and cold temperatures whenever possible.
- Wash your hands before touching your eyes and the skin around them.
- Keep your fingernails trimmed so they can’t scratch or irritate your eczema.
- Wash your face with an unscented, gentle cleanser.
- Avoid makeup or other irritants while the eczema is flaring.
- Find ways to ease stress in your life. Stress can worsen eczema.
It’s tempting to try other homeopathic methods to treat your eczema. However, be careful about what substances you apply to your face, particularly near your eyes.
Honey is thought to treat eczema, but it shouldn’t be tried without consulting a doctor first.
There are also claims that diets and specific vitamins and minerals may help eczema, but there’s little medical research backing up these assertions.
Over-the-counter (OTC) treatment
A corticosteroid can treat itching caused by eczema. Speak with a doctor or pharmacist before using it around the eye area.
Antihistamines can help with allergic reactions and may reduce itching and inflammation caused by eczema.
Prescription treatment
Moderate or severe eczema may require a prescription.
Several topical and oral prescription medications are used to treat eczema, although some of them may not be suitable for the eyes. For example, regular or prolonged use of steroid creams may raise your risk of glaucoma, a very serious eye condition.
Some of the options a doctor may prescribe include:
- topical corticosteroids
- oral corticosteroids
- topical calcineurin inhibitors
- prednisone
- ultraviolet light therapy
Other conditions can cause a rash or irritation around the eyes. Some of these conditions include:
Blepharitis is eyelid inflammation with several potential causes. A bacterial infection, eyelash mites, medication side effects, and more can all cause it.
Symptoms may include:
- itchy eyelids
- inflamed or swollen eyelids
- oily eyelids
- a burning sensation in the eyes
- red eyes
- watery eyes
- a feeling that something is in the eye
- crust on eyelashes or in the corners of the eyes
Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eyes caused by mold, pollen, and other allergens.
Symptoms may include:
- red eyes
- itchy eyes
- burning eyes
- puffy eyes upon waking up
There are many causes of eczema. The different types flare for various reasons. No matter the type, eczema isn’t a contagious condition.
Some factors that may cause atopic dermatitis
Contact dermatitis appears after your skin comes in contact with an irritant or allergen. Some of these triggers can include:
- makeup
- lotions, oils, soaps, and shampoos
- nickel, which is often found in personal grooming tools like tweezers
- dust
- chlorine
- sunscreen
- fragrances
- extreme temperatures
- humidity
Your eyes may react to a substance you’ve been exposed to before. They may even react to a product you’ve used countless times, especially if the product has changed ingredients.
Any time you think that contact with a particular agent is causing eczema, stop using it immediately.
A doctor typically reviews any cases of eczema around the eyes by asking about your symptoms and recording your health history. They may also review any other body areas that may have eczema.
Diagnosing eczema doesn’t require any lab tests. If your doctor thinks you have contact eczema, they will likely ask about the substances you’re exposed to at work and home. They will also ask about any products you use on your skin.
You may need to have a patch test. It involves exposing the skin to allergens that may be causing the eczema and seeing whether there is a reaction.
Many of the home remedies used to treat eczema can also prevent flare-ups.
They include:
- avoiding extreme temperatures whenever possible
- keeping your skin moisturized with fragrance-free, gentle lotions
- stopping the use of any product that irritates your skin
Dry or scaly skin near the eye may indicate eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis. Causes include family history, the environment, allergies, or foreign substances, such as makeup or moisturizers.
Some forms of eczema are short term, such as contact dermatitis. It likely improves after several weeks of treatment. More long-lasting eczema, such as atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, often require prescription treatments to help reduce flares.
If you think you may have eczema, reach out to a doctor for support.